by Rayona Silverman, Objective 1 Research Assistant, Queen’s University

Hello from Winnipeg! I attended the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) Conference in Winnipeg to present some of the preliminary findings from the comparative case study I am working on Guelph, ON and Halifax, NS under the Objective 1 Team. This conference occurred on October 18th and 19th, in the heart of Winnipeg, which is situated on Treaty One Territory.

The conference traditionally focuses on sports psychology and motor learning topics, which meant the presentation on the CapaCITY/É work was all novel to the attendees at the conference! I had the opportunity to be a part of a new format for presenting: the Rapid Oral Presentation. This presentation was 3-5 minutes long and was required to have 5 slides or less. Eight other individuals and I presented our work in quick succession, with a combined question period at the end. The presentation was well received overall, and I even got a few questions from attendees on the implications of CapaCITY/É work for each objective in addition to how cases were selected. You can see a snapshot of my presentation in the image to the right!


During the conference, they also introduced a new session which was titled “The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Workshop,” a combined symposium geared towards presenting research that fell under the EDI umbrella. This session was a favorite of mine, as they presented interesting work on different models and research that looked to improve research methods for EDI work. You can see a snapshot of one of the presentations to the left.


While attending the conference, we also had a few hours in between to explore Winnipeg. As we walked around the city, we noticed that while sidewalks were more consistently accessible to all individuals, we did not see many bicycle lanes. You can see an example of a popular street in Winnipeg, which shows the large road space with no designated biking lane. In the far distance, you can see an example of one of the city buses that frequently traveled around. As I explored, I wondered if Winnipeg was considering any AAA initiatives to be implemented in the future. Thank you to CapaCITY/É for your support and for allowing me to present the ongoing research at this conference!